Senior Membership

Best fit for Senior Management/ Executive level without the CIIN ProfessionalQualification.


Regardless of your career stage, being a Senior Member at the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria distinguish you from being a Student Member.

Registration Process 

Applicants for admission as Senior Members of the Institute must;

— Must be either a member of the Insurance Industry, not below the level of General Manager/Executive Director, but without insurance or any professional qualification. OR

— Professionals in other fields who have been in the insurance industry for at least fifteen (15) years, and are not below the rank of Senior Manager in any Insurance Company, Broking or Loss Adjusting firm.

— Be at least thirty (30) years old.

— Submit evidence of attestation to good character by the employer. (On the letterhead)

— On notification of admission, a stipulated admission fee is paid.

— Admission letter would be sent to the applicant via email and membership.

— Issuance of Senior Membership certificate at the of the year.

Click here to start your registration.